21 unsigned int flags = 0);
Defines the editable molecule class RWMol.
Captures atom-level information about peptide residues.
The class for representing atoms.
RWMol is a molecule class that is intended to be edited.
RDKIT_FILEPARSERS_EXPORT bool IsBlacklistedPair(Atom *beg_atom, Atom *end_atom)
RDKIT_FILEPARSERS_EXPORT bool SamePDBResidue(AtomPDBResidueInfo *p, AtomPDBResidueInfo *q)
bool rdvalue_is(const RDValue_cast_t)
RDKIT_FILEPARSERS_EXPORT void ConnectTheDots(RWMol *mol, unsigned int flags=0)
static const unsigned int ctdIGNORE_H_H_CONTACTS
RDKIT_FILEPARSERS_EXPORT void StandardPDBResidueBondOrders(RWMol *mol)