47 ROMol::EDGE_ITER _beg, _end, _pos;
70 ROMol::EDGE_ITER _beg, _end, _pos;
71 ROMol const *_mol{
Defines the primary molecule class ROMol as well as associated typedefs.
iterator for a molecule's bonds, currently BiDirectional, but it theoretically ought to be RandomAcce...
BondIterator_(ROMol *mol)
BondIterator_ & operator=(const BondIterator_ &other)
bool operator!=(const BondIterator_ &other) const
BondIterator_ & operator++()
BondIterator_(const BondIterator_ &other)
BondIterator_ operator++(int)
BondIterator_ & operator--()
BondIterator_(ROMol *mol, ROMol::EDGE_ITER pos)
BondIterator_ operator--(int)
bool operator==(const BondIterator_ &other) const
class for representing a bond
const iterator for a molecule's bonds, currently BiDirectional, but it theoretically ought to be Rand...
ConstBondIterator_ operator--(int)
ConstBondIterator_ & operator--()
ConstBondIterator_(const ConstBondIterator_ &other)
Bond const * operator*() const
ConstBondIterator_ & operator=(const ConstBondIterator_ &other)
ConstBondIterator_(ROMol const *mol, ROMol::EDGE_ITER pos)
ConstBondIterator_(ROMol const *mol)
bool operator==(const ConstBondIterator_ &other) const
ConstBondIterator_ operator++(int)
ConstBondIterator_ & operator++()
bool operator!=(const ConstBondIterator_ &other) const