rdkit.Chem.PyMol module¶
uses pymol to interact with molecules
- class rdkit.Chem.PyMol.MolViewer(host=None, port=9123, force=0, **kwargs)¶
- AddPharmacophore(locs, colors, label, sphereRad=0.5)¶
adds a set of spheres
- DeleteAll()¶
blows out everything in the viewer
- DeleteAllExcept(excludes)¶
deletes everything except the items in the provided list of arguments
- DisplayCollisions(objName, molName, proteinName, distCutoff=3.0, color='red', molSelText='(%(molName)s)', proteinSelText='(%(proteinName)s and not het)')¶
toggles display of collisions between the protein and a specified molecule
- DisplayHBonds(objName, molName, proteinName, molSelText='(%(molName)s)', proteinSelText='(%(proteinName)s and not het)')¶
toggles display of h bonds between the protein and a specified molecule
- DisplayObject(objName)¶
- GetAtomCoords(sels)¶
returns the coordinates of the selected atoms
- GetPNG(h=None, w=None, preDelay=0)¶
- GetSelectedAtoms(whichSelection=None)¶
returns the selected atoms
- HideAll()¶
- HideObject(objName)¶
- HighlightAtoms(indices, where, extraHighlight=False)¶
highlights a set of atoms
- InitializePyMol()¶
does some initializations to set up PyMol according to our tastes
- LoadFile(filename, name, showOnly=False)¶
calls pymol’s “load” command on the given filename; the loaded object is assigned the name “name”
- Redraw()¶
- SaveFile(filename)¶
- SelectAtoms(itemId, atomIndices, selName='selection')¶
selects a set of atoms
- SelectProteinNeighborhood(aroundObj, inObj, distance=5.0, name='neighborhood', showSurface=False)¶
selects the area of a protein around a specified object/selection name; optionally adds a surface to that
- SetDisplayStyle(obj, style='')¶
change the display style of the specified object
- SetDisplayUpdate(val)¶
- ShowMol(mol, name='molecule', showOnly=True, highlightFeatures=[], molB='', confId=-1, zoom=True, forcePDB=False, showSticks=False)¶
special case for displaying a molecule or mol block
- Zoom(objName)¶